Wednesday, January 27, 2010


George Porter
Birthday: August 30
Hometown: Sigel, WI
Occupation: Clergy
Hobbies and/or Interests: Snowboarding, reading, writing, motorcycles, camping, fishing
Fun Factoid: My ancestors are mixed blood: Scottish/Wild Potato Clan Cherokee & Irish/Lakota
Number of missions: Many. Dominican Republic (2X), Belize (3X), Honduras, Cuba and Quebec
Name of prayer partner(s): Nancy Porter, Michael & Nancy Morizio
Why are you going on this mission to Belize?: Provide support for the puppeteer group
What are you most looking forward to on this mission?: Being together as a group
Lionel Hayter

Birthday: August 2, 1991
Hometown: Fredericton, NB
School: University of New Brunswick
Factoid: I love watching plants grow (including grass)
Why are you going on this mission to Belize?: I am going on this mission because I believe it is important to show other people God's love. Also, I believe it will not on be an encouragement to the people we meet, but to the mission group as well.
What are you most looking forward to on this mission?: I'm looking forward to meeting people in Belize and getting to know my fellow group members even more and working with them.
Cody McKay

Birthday: September 3, 1991
Hometown: Fredericton
School: Saint Thomas University - 1st Year
Hobbies and/or Interests: Photography; Skiing; Music and Theatre
Fun Factoid: Left handed
Number of missions: This is my first mission!
Name of prayer partner: Sam Mayo
Why are you going on this mission to Belize?: I guess this doesn't sound in depth but after a lot of thought this is all I can say; It just feels right and I get the feeling already that this isn't my last mission trip.
What are you most looking forward to on this mission?: I don't think it's possible to have a favourite thing on this mission; I'm looking forward to just about every aspect of it!
Lini Fetter
Birthday: October 6, 1991
Hometown: Fredericton
School: University of New Brunswick - 1st year
Hobbies and/or Interests: Painting; Drawing; Babysitting and Reading
Fun Factoid: I love barn swallows
Number of missions: Nil
Name of prayer partner: Elijah Fetter
Why are you going on this mission to Belize?: I'm going on this mission because I think it will be fun and humbling. I am going because I love children and love to learn about children in other cultures. I think that friendship and compassion that spans borders is very important and healing when it goes both ways.
What are you most looking forward to about this mission?: Meeting the kids! :)

Alyssa Hayter

Birthday: September 21, 1988
School: University of New Brunswick - 4th year (Elementary Education)
Hobbies and/or Interests: I love music. I love singing and acting and I also love to sew.
Fun Factoid: By the time I was 15yrs old, I lived in 12 different houses
Prayer Partner: Verne Sinclair
Why are you going on this trip to Belize?: Many of my friends have gone on a mission to Belize in the past with the Cathedral
What are you most looking forward to from this mission?: I have only heard good things. I can't wait to meet the kids down there and get to know them and help out in any way I can. I also don't get that many opportunities to travel, so I'm excited for this one!

Jun Hyo Kwon

Birthday: April 27th
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
School: Fredericton High School, Grade 12
Hobbies and/or Interests: Music; Photography; Art; History; Drawing and Travelling
Fun Factoid: I dance for three minutes before I study
Number of missions: None
Prayer Partner: Donna Crowe
Why are you going on this mission to Belize?: I want to feel how my ability is valuable to others and how thankful a person I am.
What are you most looking forward to from this mission?: Kids who are excited to see puppet shows and their laughter during our shows.
Heather Hamilton

Birthday: May 11, 1993
Hometown: Fredericton
School: Fredericton High School, Grade 11
Hobbies and/or Interests: Reading; Skiing/Snowboarding; Swimming and Singing
Fun Factoid:
Number of missions: None
Name of prayer partner: Caryn Gunter
Why are you going on this mission to Belize?: I've always wanted to help people who are less fortunate
What are you most looking forward to on this mission?:

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